How to Find an Agent Office at JNE Outlet : Kinemaster

JNE operating working hours on courier you should know

JNE’s courier hours should be very useful if you frequently receive or send packages. JNE is a frequently available package shipping option. JNE is actually a choice of expedition services that are widely used in the community.

In addition, in an era where there is a lot of in-demand shopping activities, such as today, the opportunities for suah delivery services must be very wide open. Not only do you need package delivery, and when you shop online, you need men’s package delivery, but for students or workers who are overseas, package delivery is certainly very dependent.

JNE itself has different types of delivery package services that you can tailor to your needs and costs. To send a package, you need to know the operating hours of the JNE. So when you send things or pick up packages from the office, you won’t be disappointed because the packages are closed.

JNE branches are mostly open Monday through Sunday. However, the hours of operation vary from Monday to Friday and are open from 08.00 to 15.00, Saturdays from 08.00 to 15.00 and Sundays from 08.00 to 14.00. You also need to know the working hours of JNE’s work   to other couriers.

Branch Office Working Hours JNE Package Delivery Service

JNE has offices throughout Indonesia. This JNE branch is our headquarters, in addition to the fact that most of our data, shipments and other data are processed. Of course, since it is the headquarters, the location of this branch is on the highway which is located not far from the city center and the city center.

So, if you want to file a package complaint or find the information clearly, you can come to our office in the city center. The working hours of this branch are open every day. However, on certain days of the week, the opening hours are very limited.

It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., weekends such as Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and finally Sundays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Working hours vary, but in some cities, JNE’s courier  operating hours reach 24 hours, especially in the case of operating offices, 24 hours. Therefore, you can request it from the branch office closest to your residence.

Agent Office Hours at JNE Outlet

After knowing the working hours of the branch office, you need to know the working hours of the agent’s office, the store. JNE agent offices and outlets are spread across various regions of Indonesia. Typically,  the agent’s office is open on weekdays, that is, Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Like branch offices, there are several agents who are open for up to 24 hours to serve consumers who want to deliver packages. Meanwhile, for outlets, there are outlets that are open until 9 p.m. However, there are also outlets that are only open until the afternoon. Therefore, JNE’s courier operating hours may vary.

Whether you send the package from the agent or the small JNE exit, when you send the package, the package will be picked up by the car that will pick up the package from the JNE, after which it will be taken to the branch office. Pick-up usually takes place during the day at 1pm.

If you want to send or process the package quickly that day, please send the package or arrive at the JNE agent location before 1 PM. Usually, the first pick-up is carried out during the day, so the package can be processed faster.  The courier operating hours of  JNE should be informed. The following are the working hours of the courier driver:

JNE Courier Service Opening Hours

The working hours of this JNE courier are determined by the choice of the delivered package. As you know, JNE has several package delivery services. The first is the general package. Then there is Yes, OK, SS. Below is information about the courier operating hours.

  1. Regular package. REG is actually selling better, and the duration of sending packages takes 1 to 3 days. From Monday to Friday, the courier is open from 08:30 to 17.30, and on Saturdays from 08.30 to 13:00.


In addition to the red dates, there is no package delivery on holidays, and packages are processed on weekdays. Therefore, if you are going to send your goods when the weekend comes, we recommend that you send the goods from Monday to Thursday to avoid delivery delays.


  1. Yes package. D1 Day Delivery Distribution from JNE has the name YES. Many users recommend using this service, especially if you want to receive the goods faster. This service still provides the delivery of goods. So the operating hours for courier to JNE’s YES are much longer. The YES package is scheduled to operate from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.


  1. Check the package. The economical cost is a JNE package named OKE. Due to the low price, this package is best chosen when you want to spend a fairly heavy weight of goods. The delivery time of this package is 2-4 days.


The office hours of the courier sending the OKE package are usually Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 17:00. In addition, on holidays, the package will not be delivered because the courier will send the yes package. Therefore, pay close attention to the delivery day.


  1. JNE SS. The duration of this product is  less than 24 hours, so this service is the fastest.   JNE’s office hours are Monday through Sunday from 8 am to 12 pm and these types of packages are operated by courier.

How to Find an Agent Office at JNE Outlet

With the various services owned by JNE, I am obviously more interested in using it. To find the JNE office address information, you don’t need to find it because you can open your browser and use Google Maps.

Depending on the city where you want to find the agent later, you can search for keywords or search for keywords  by looking for JNE working hours for courier.   When you want to visit, don’t forget to turn on the location feature on your phone, and you can guide them by following the instructions correctly.

Knowing the working hours of JNE jobs is actually very important, especially since it is a subscription to the delivery of this package. Especially if you don’t have anyone at home and can’t wait for the package to finally return to the branch, you will have to bring the package yourself.

Usually, for undelivered packages, you will be taken to a branch office in the city center. You can also lodge a complaint here if your complaint regarding the delivery of the package does not match the given schedule. Therefore, please record  the working hours of JNE operations well to the courier.

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